You simply invite your visitors and businesses to contribute content to your website, and ask them if they want you to promote their business by sending them leads, or by featuring their products. Most businesses want leads. This generates passive income for you, that grows your website as you receive more content.

HUB websites have been around for decades! 

I launched a Hub website in 1994,, which generated millions of dollars in revenue. HUB website businesses are now sprouting up all over, like,,,, and the list goes on.

NOTE: We will be holding a presentation about HUB Revenue, Thursday, June 15, from 5 pm to 7 pm in Santa Anna, CA. It's free... if you live in the area please join us!

HUB websites create true online wealth, these videos show you the process of getting started.

How your pet can make you wealthy!

Make career out of  watching YouTube videos!

Get your own HUB website, that tracks lead revenue. Simply complete the form to get your own Income Activator website now.

HUB Websites Have 3 Main Sections 

You can have a HUB website on any topic, for any industry. There are 3 main sections that HUB websites have. They are:

1.  An Index with all the contributing  content from your visitors and businesses. 

2.  A Share section where your visitors and businesses go to give your their content. This section also is where you ask if they want you to send them leads.

3.  A Subscribe section to receive your emails.

Chocolate lover

Get Your Income
Activator Website Now
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