Adding Social Network Links & Feeds

You can add social network icons at the bottom of your website pages that link to your profiles on each social network such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

You can also add real-time Facebook and Twitter feeds directly to your page.

This page will show you how to add both of these to your website.

In addition to your website linking to your social network profiles, make sure your social network profiles link to your website!

Adding Social Network Links

The social network icons will appear at the bottom of all your website pages.

Each icon links to your profile on that website.

Adding Social Network Links

To begin, click on 'Social Networks' on the top blue bar.

1. Page Address Copy and paste the page address of your profile on each website. It's recommended you have a profile on all of these networks.

2. Update Click on the 'Update' button.

The icon(s) will immedietely appear at the bottom of all of your website pages.

To remove an icon, come back to the 'Social Networks' page and delete the page address from the box.

Adding Social Network Feeds

To add Facebook and Twitter feeds that update automatically to your website pages, you just need to have a profile setup on these social networks.

Below is an example of our Twitter feed.


Adding Social Network Links

To begin, click on 'Social Networks' on the top blue bar.

1. Page Address Enter the page address of your profile on the social network website.
If you've already done this step to show the icon(s), you can skip this step.

2. Size Of Feed Enter a width of height of the feed in pixels. 300 x 300 will give you one thats about 4" x 4".

3. Update Click on the 'Update' button.

4. Short Code Copy the [shortcude] including the brackets. This is what you will paste in your page's content.

Adding Social Network Links

Now simply edit the page(s) you want to add your feed to and paste in the short code.

1. Short Code Paste the short code exactly where you you want your feed to appear on your page.

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