How You Make Money Online
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Focus on a Topic or Industry
You can target any topic or industry and make money online.
For example, if you wanted a website on dogs, the keyword 'dog' is a very competitive, and your website would probably never be displayed ahead of other websites for that search term.
However, the deeper you go into a niche market, you decrease competition. and increase your chances of capturing free online search traffic.
With this in mind, you can focus on a specific breed of dog, like an English Bull Terrier and you'll have a better chance of your website being displayed for online searches.
This doesn't mean that your website can't still be about dogs, it just means 'English Bull Terrier' is what you lead with on your front page. Then you can feature other dogs through out your website to capture free visitor search traffic for those dog gone keywords ;-).
When someone searches for 'English Bull Terrier' they will expect to see information about an 'English Bull Terrier' on your front page.
Then you can add other pages on toys for dogs, recommended vets, raw food diets, funny pet videos, and even pet insurance and start creating an online income for yourself.
You will soon become an authority in your niche market, anyone can become an authority by posting good content, being active on social networks and forums.
For example, when I had a website on insurance, I quoted the lowest rates for car, home, life, motorcycle, travel, and boat insurance. But I focused my main keyword phrase on the search term 'Lowest Car Insurance Quotes'. Once I got that search traffic to my website for lowest car insurance rates, I could funnel my visitors through my other referral programs.
If my main keyword phrase was 'insurance' my website would have never been displayed ahead of the competition from the big players in the industry.
Long Tailed Keyword Phrases
Long tailed keyword phrases are what you should use as your main keyword phrase. They are a string of three or more words, and target phrases that the main stream markets don't go after as they are focused on the Short Keyword Phrases. You can tap into the large amounts of search engine traffic using long tailed keyword phrases, like 'Lowest Car Insurance' rather than the traditional one or two word short keywords like 'car'.

The long tail keywords define exactly what your website is about and how you want your website to be indexed to be displayed in the Google's search results.
Some examples of long tailed keyword phrases are 'organic dog food', 'leather couch repair', and even more specific searches such as 'mesothelioma medical malpractice lawyer', which is one of the highest paying keywords online! Law firms will pay over $400 for a person searching for this keyword phrase.
One word keyword phrases like 'car' are too general. You don't know if the person is searching for a new car, car repairs or car insurance. One word keyword phrases are also what contribute to high bounce rates. You may think that having 45,000 unqualified people to your website is better than 1,000 qualified people, but that's simply not true as you can't measure your effectiveness and improve upon it.
Think Like A Consumer
If 90% of qualified visitors leave your website the second they get there, or stay but don't turn into revenue, you can fix that by tweaking your front page. If unqualified visitors don't turn into revenue, you have no idea what to do, other than to focus on getting qualified visitors.
Every visitor counts, and should be making you money when they land on your website. If they aren't, you need to find out why, and fix it.
When searching for a keyword phrase using Google's Keyword Planner, try to think of the search term from the consumer's point of view.
What words would they type into the search engine to find websites on that topic?
Phrases beginning with 'How To' or 'What Is' is a good place to start, i.e. 'How to build a porch', 'What is the best online school', or 'How to save energy'.
Phrases with the words 'Tips' or 'Advice' can be very effective as well, such as 'Tips on building a porch' or 'Advice on saving energy'.
Creating A Niche Website & Optimizing Your Pages
You should be able to optimize each of your web pages and change the headers, titles, description, and page address. Income Activator allows you to easily do this.
To get your Income Activator website now, complete the form above.