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You should find your own advertisers because any time you have a middleman that stands between you and your revenue stream you make less money and are subjected to the middleman’s way of doing business.

Running Google ads on your website is an amazing way to prove to yourself that ‘you are worthy’ of an advertiser to PAY you for your visitor leads.

Finding Advertisers Who Want Leads

You can also find 1,000’s of advertisers already paying for leads just by doing online searches.

You can also use Google's Keyword Planner to find out who these advertisers are, and how much they’re paying per click. To do that, simply enter in your main keyword phrase, and click on the search button.

You’ll see your keyword phrase in blue text, the monthly searches, and the cost per click that the advertisers are paying Google for a visitor to click on their ad to get to their website.

In this example the keyword phrase ‘Personal Injury Lawyer’ receives 550,000 monthly searches and a visitor click would cost the advertiser around $66.53 per lead.

The keyword phrase in blue text is also a link. When you click on it Google’s Search Results are displayed where you can see which advertisers are paying for these leads based on this keyword phrase.

Finding An Advertiser Through Google Searches

You can find advertisers by doing a search of related phrases and seeing the sponsored ad's on the top of, and to the right of the organic search results.

When you call the advertiser you can even offer a lower rate and better qualified visitors. Remember to remind the advertiser that they only pay when you send them a lead, so there’s no risk to give it a try.

Don’t worry, Google isn’t going to freak out and cancel their ads from your website if you talk to their advertisers. These companies advertise in lots of different places; other websites, Facebook, Yahoo, Bing, radio, TV, newspapers, and the list goes on.

They’re not going to stop their Google Ads just because they’re advertising with you.

The Types Of Companies That Want Leads

Any company or business that knows the true value of a customer will want leads. This includes businesses such as law firms, dentists, contractors, roofers, painters, insurance brokers, and chiropractors. Businesses that charge a monthly fee are also interested in leads as a customer can provide them with long time income.

Other Places To Find Advertisers

Another good place to look for advertisers is in old advertiser resources that are going out of date because of the Internet. The Yellow Pages, and Local Directories are good examples of this.

Many advertisers spend $1,000 or more a month on Yellow Pages Advertising and are not renewing their contracts so they can move their advertising dollars to the Internet. This climate is perfect for these advertisers to be called upon and offered a lead generating referral program.

If a company doesn't have a website or even an email address, they can still receive referrals and view them through your website.

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