Income Activator Is A Game ChangerYour eBook walks you through how to make money online, and your website allows you to run an online business from anywhere in the world at any time, even if one finger typist and not at all computer savvy.
How It Works
You can package your knowledge, and experience on any topic, in any industry, and be paid by companies for referring people to them.
Your Opinion Has A Market Value
Imagine an accounting firm paid you $40 every time you recommended them. The Internet allows you to get paid just like that for your recommendations, Big Time!
You do it every day. You may recommend the best painter to use, which lawyer or dentist to go to, or where to get the best prices on whatever.
But you never get paid for it. Now you can.
Have A Website?
If you already have a website, the book shows you how you can use the Income Activator Website's Referral Program to generate your own leads and pay per click revenue streams, instantly!No Risk
This book and website provides you with an opportunity that may launch you into financial independence while offering you a better and more meaningful life.
There is no cost to you for the website. The only cost is for Hosting, at $60 per month, which includes free updates and online support. You can cancel your website hosting at any time without penalties. However, once you know the formula to generating money online, it's intoxicating and you'll love it.
The Formula To Making Money Online
The formula to making money online is simple. The eBook shows you on the 1st page, in the 1st chapter, exactly what the formula is.