Google's Keyword Tool

Google tells you much an advertiser pays them when a visitor clicks on an ad. You can find this information for
free using Google's Keyword Tool. Your Income Activator website program walks you through how to find which
advertisers are paying the highest dollar amount for which search terms.

When you run Google Ads on your website you receive 68% of the pay per click amount the advertiser pays Google.
Google pays you directly.

Below is an example showing that advertisers are paying $66 to Google when a person clicks on an ad for the
keyword phrase 'Personal Injury Lawyer'.

If you look in the Relate Keyword Phrase section below, pay per click amounts reach as high as $185.93!

Keywords With High Pay Per Click Rates

Here are more keyword phrases, the number of monthly searches, and the approximate cost per click that
advertisers are paying Google.

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