Reviews & Testimonials * Income Activator Is Worldwide.

Income Activator Is WorldwideWebsite Control

I couldn't be happier with the results by going to the Income Activator website platform.  

Their CMS system is so easy, that with nearly no website design experience, just about anyone can update their website.  

If you have a question, their team will help quickly... or chances are they've already made a video showing you how to solve the issue.  Often you even get help directly from Lee herself, giving you access to knowledge you simply cannot find.  The Income Activator team gets it, wants you to succeed, and most of all truly cares.  

I highly recommend them!
Suzy Prudden,


I have been through so many webmasters it's ridiculous. I have been paying so much for website platforms, and I never had control over it. Lee Romanov with the Income Activator website platform has finally solved my problems. Lee sat down with me and answered all my questions and concerns.

Now, when I need to make a changes to my website, I go in and make the change.
When I do have a problem online support is there to help. I have never before had traffic coming to my website, and now I'm getting traffic to my website.
Now, I am finally getting business coming through my website, and I have never had that before.
Now, I might even pass leads to other private investigators.

Thanks so much!!!
Tony Yannizzi,

Stop Overpaying For A Website

I have been with Income Activator for over 5 years. The website we had done in the past costs us over $10,000, and every time we wanted to change anything it was $60 here, $100 there.

I can't believe the cost for the IA website, unlimited support where I can pick up the phone and call you guys, and is all only $60 a month. Thank you Lee, we love our website, and now we can do our own changes. I don't know how you do it, BUT WOW!

Matthew Philipchuk,

Online Store

I had a website platform with two other companies that charge me approximately $400 a month to  keep it updated. My website had over 50,000 products on its online store, and when I moved it over to Income Activator's platform it's only costing me $60 a month.

With Lee Romanov my marketing opportunities have also expanded greatly.

Dan Walsh,

Leads * Radio Show * What The Media Is Saying

I have a radio show for college students and I have done over 750 interviews, and never made a dime form it! After interviewing Lee Romanov I found that I could actually send leads to the people I talk to.

It will also be better for my listening audience to be able to connect with the people I’m interviewing too. I am so excited about having a website platform that sends leads to people and companies I interview and recommend.

I also recommend everyone do this to!!

Rick Young,

Leads * Radio Show * What the Media Is Saying

Websites and webmasters were a nightmare for me until I interviewed Lee Romanov on my show, The Frankie Boyer radio show, and found out about Income Activator's website platform.

My whole business model changed after that. Before I used to interview people and not be able to generate income from either sending them leads or selling their products or books.

Now I have full control over my website platform, and can send leads to people interview.
I can now make money from Income Activator's referral program. I also sell other people's books and products, and can make money through Income Activator's pay per click tracking program.

Frankie Boyer,
Radio Host


I know how powerful leads are.  By that I mean sending leads to companies that pay you.  For years I've been tracking the leads I've sent to companies I recommend manually.  

Income Activator has now allowed me to do that automatically through their website platform. I now have a directory where I send people I coach to these companies, and can get paid for it. The leads are automatically tracked and invoices created.

Jay McDowell,
President - Business Coach


It is so nice not to have to run after a webmaster to get every little thing done. I find it very easy to manage, and make additions. I can now upload pictures and videos. The free online support is great too!

I now have control over the Legion's website, and that's a big relief for us. Again, thank you!

Margaret Richie,

Search Engine Optimization

I have a lot of competition in the Toronto market, and could never get my website to the top of the search engines. After transferring my content from WordPress to the Income Activator platform, within a couple of weeks I was at the top of the search engines, and booking out my courses.

At one point I called Lee Romanov, and asked her to take down my website because I was getting too much business. She laughed and simply told me to go in and put 'sold out' on my homepage. The Income Activator platform is very user-friendly, and I don't have to pay a webmaster to do every little thing for me. I sell my classes using the IA online store which I do not have to pay extra for.

The whole platform is good. My forms collect the names and emails, and it automatically goes into my email messaging center, where I can send out emails to my list when ever I want to for upcoming events.

Thank You, Lee

Gudrun Hardes,

Authority Websites 

Hello Lee,

I'm impressed with your customer service.  You even called me personally and wrote to me personally. I'm not used to that!!!

Thank you. I so look forward to diving into the videos, and material you sent. I am so happy that I don't feel held hostage, like I experienced previously with my other webmasters. I love the control I have over my websites.

Marilyn Chambers,


Our last webmaster was charging us $600 a month just for a system that sold gift certificates. For every change, we had to pay extra and had no control to do our own changes.

Our new website looks so much better, and we can use our online store to sell gift certificates and our spa packages. Our cost now has been reduced to $60 a month, which includes our online store and hosting!

Thank you so much!

Patricia Ristich,


I am not web-savvy, and I'm busy with my real life which is presenting cooking recipes on TV. I am so happy that I don't have to worry about my website and that I have control over it.

I have the flexibility to change it when I want. I'm looking forward to activating its many revenue streams with out having to endure extra costs.

Andrea Buckett

Store Sales

I am an artist and I use IA to sell my paintings online. I have been using the IA website platform for many years, and I am happy to not have to struggle with numerous pieces of software to make everything work.

Income Activator has an integrated program where forms, data collection, email messaging and their online store all work together.  I've known Lee for over 10 years and I highly respect her integrity and her accomplishments.

Chris Peters,

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