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We're all being affected by BIG Online Corporations doing whatever they want, and you need to take measures to protect your online businesses.

Below is a video emphasizing how critical this is.

banned YouTubeSocial Media Accounts

YouTube Channels are being taken down at YouTube's discretion! And you can't fight it! If you have a YouTube Channel use YouTube's Backup Restore.

My Vimeo Channel was taken down with out notice!  There are things now called Strikes. Here's how bad it is. I got what they consider a Strike today, 7 years ago, and they took down my channel.  Thankfully I got it back.

Spread the risk! Use other video channels, like

Put your videos on your own website, and use these video channels to send visitors to your website. Put teaser videos up on these channels to encourage people to go to your website and subscribe. YouTube is deleting your subscriptions at will!!!

online censorshipCensorship of Content

Google, Facebook & YouTube
 are censoring your content!  And they're NOT giving telling you what's being censored! You just find out about when you can't find certain websites, profiles, or your YouTube videos are demonetized.

You need to use your email marketing strategies like I'm doing more than ever now.  Send out short emails that link to your website where your revenue streams are!

censorshipMerchant Accounts

I've used the same Merchant Account for 10 years, and I asked a question about risk, and they canceled me with out a discussion! It's maddening! 

I moved to If you need help with your Merchant Account let me know!

I also use PayPal, but only as a backup. They have a bad reputation for holding your money without notice.


Income Activator Protects You More Than Other Platforms!

Your Income Activator website is fully backed up for you!

Web Hosting - Your hosting is with Codero. It's very secure, and f there's a problem, I take care of it for you without costing you a dime.

Auto-Responder Accounts - Your auto-responder account is built into your Income Activator website, and the cost is included with your $60 monthly subscription.

Email Messaging - Your email messaging is built into your Income Activator website, and the cost is included, and your email lists are fully secured.

Viral Attacks - Most websites have open source platforms which are hugely susceptible to attacks.  This can cost you big time and can bring your website down. I won't even host a WordPress website on the Codero server for the Income Activator websites because the attacks are brutal! Your Income Activator is NOT open source. You are protected from most of these hacker attacks. And if you're attacked, I fix your website for free.

I've been in the Internet business since 1994. I created your Income Activator platform so that you can be safe from most of the other providers charging huge rates for their services and canceling you with out notice.

To get your own Income Activator website, complete the form to the right.

Together we are strong!

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