Income Activator has the best value, and competitors in the industry keep proving this to us.
Here's an email I received from a website design company:
Hi Lee,
Our pricing on our projects are priced depending on your needs.
Our most recent portfolio with many responsive designs (mobile/tablet friendly) have sites ranging from
$6,000 to $60,000+ View Our Portfolio
Would you like to discuss?
Our Income Activator webmasters can create any website template for you at a fraction of the cost being quoted in the marketplace.
Below are some examples of websites that are selling for over $6,000, and they don't include all the features that come with your Income Activator platform.
After these websites are created, with Income Activator, you can do your own updates, and not have to pay for a webmaster every time you want to change things.
Our webmasters can create anyone of these templates you see below. Your cost would be around $500 for a custom website like this. After it's finished, you would be able to login to the backdoor of your website, and make your own updates. To contact one of our webmasters, click here.
If you have another design in mind, they will more than likely be able to create it for you.
The only cost for your Income Activator platform is $60 a month, which includes: Hosting / upgrades / mobile website / unlimited bandwidth / unlimited email marketing / form creation / data collection / auto-responders / online store / pay per click tracking for leads / lead generation / referral programs.
Register Now for your Income Activator website builder.
Examples of $6,000 Templates - Have Anyone of These Templates for $100
Authority Website Template
Attorney Website Template
Business Website Template
Information Website Template
Social Media Website Template
Architect Website Template