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When you are doing an article on 'Home Businesses' or 'Creating Online Income' Lee Romanov can give you a written outline, or ready-to-go article. She's been a paid columnist for many years, and has written 3 books.
She's also not shy of media attention when she bought being Mayor For A Day, as she wanted to get Toronto a better, and more Profitable Online Presence!
Lee Romanov was a journalist for the largest newspaper in Ontario, The Toronto Star.

Romanov was also a journalist for Canada's only national newspaper The Globe And Mail.

Mayor For A Day
Lee Romanov received her fair share of media attention when she bought being 'Mayor For A Day!' At the time Mel Lastman was the Mayor of Toronto, Canada.
Lee Romanov celebrated her Mayor's Inaugural Ball by performing 'Shania Twain Style' on stage following her warm welcome by our fine Toronto Firefighters! Lee Romanov wrote and preformed on stage, in front of an audience of 450 people, the song; 'Man... I Feel Like The Mayor'
Click To Play! The words to the song are below.

Let's Go TO!
I'm Mayor for the day. All taxes go away. Parking fines... forgiveness day!
Want to make some noise. Really raise my voice. Yeah... now it's a whole new way!
No radar trapping. No music rapping. Long weekends... all the time!
I ain't going to act politically correct... I only have a little time.
The best thing about being the Mayor... is that I only have to do it for a day.
OH OH OH... Totally crazy... Forget I'm a lady, Mel’s shoes, BIG News.
OH OH OH... Going wild, yeah, doing it in style.
OH OH OH... Get in the action.
Business satisfaction, with friends that care, doing my share.
OH OH OH... Give me a call! Yeah... I'm running City Hall! Man, I feel like the Mayor!
TO needs a break! Tonight we're going to take the chance to really change this town.
I don't need a poll on how to play my role... I wish I got to wear a crown.
The best thing about being the Mayor... is that I only have to do it for a day.
OH OH OH... Totally crazy... Forget I'm a lady, Mel’s shoes, BIG News.
OH OH OH... Going wild, yeah, doing it in style.
OH OH OH... Get in the action. Business satisfaction, with friends that care, doing my share.
OH OH OH... Give me a call! Yeah... I'm running City Hall! Man, I feel like the Mayor!
The best thing about being the Mayor... is that I only have to do it for a day.
OH OH OH... Totally crazy... Forget I'm a lady, Mel’s shoes, BIG News.
OH OH OH... Going wild, yeah, doing it in style.
OH OH OH... Get in the action. Business satisfaction, with friends that care, doing my share.
OH OH OH... Give me a call! Yeah... I'm running City Hall! Man, I feel like the Mayor!
