To begin creating your website there are 2 sections to work from.
1) The Display Directory: This is the yellow section to the right where your website pages are stored and can be viewed.
Your website is automatically set up with 6 pages that can be easily modified, hidden or deleted.
2) Page Content Section: This section is on the left hand side where you can either create pages or where you can work on exiting pages.
To view your website pages simply click on the View link, in the yellow section, to the right of the Page Title.
Your page will pop up. This ishow your page will appeat to your visitors. To close the page, click on the

icon at the top right of this page.
To add text to your existing pages, click on the page you want under the Page Title heading. This page will then appear on the left side, in your Page Content Section.
1) Rename the Page Title: This is what is seen as the Titile of Your Page.
2) Rename the Menu Title: This is the description of this page, as seen in the Menu Bar, located at the Top of your website.
3) Hide A Page: You have the option of hidding your page while you are working on it, by clicking on the box marked Hide A Page.
However, you can still see it by clicking on the View link beside the Page Title.
4) Secure A Page: You can also protect this page by requesting a Visitor to Register with a Password.
To Password Protect this page, click on the box marked Secure A Page.
When a Visitor Registers, you will be sent an email to either Approve or Decline the Registration.
The Visitor will then be advised by email whether they have been Approved or Declined.
To create a new page