1) Account Settings
- Upload Your Website Logo - This is where you can upload a logo and have it appear at the top left of your website above the top bar.
- Profile Up Date - Here is where you update your contact information.
- Notification Emails - This is where you indicate where you want email notifications to go to other than the website owner.
- Display Affiliate Login - This will display a Login box, which is password protected, for your Affiliates to view their sales.
- Display Referral Login - This will display a Login box, which is password protected, for your Referral Clients to view the referrals you sent them.
- Add Google Analytics - This is where you copy the code from Google Analytics to see the stats of visitors to your website.
2) Users
- Create Additional Logins - Here is where you can create multiple login passwords to your website.
3) Customize Your Colors
- Change Website Colors - Here you are able to change your website colours.