Editing Your Form

To edit a Form, go to Forms on the top menu, and then click 'Edit A Form'.

1. Existing Forms: Your existing forms are shown in the table to the right. Click on the form title to edit it. The form will open up to the left of this page where you can make changes.

2. Form Settings:  This is the tab you use when you edit a form. It allows you to change the basic form settings, attach it to pages, and get the embed code.

3. Form Questions:  This tab allows you to add and edit form questions, and answer field types.

4. Thank You Page & Emails: This tab allows you to edit your thank you page and the emails that automatically go out when your form is submitted.

5. Data Collection:  This tab allows you to view the data submitted through your form and export it into a file.

Editing Your Form - Form Settings Tab

You start in the 'Form Settings' tab by default.

1. Pages Using Form: This table shows you all the pages that your Form is attached to. When you can click on the page title link you'll see the page your Form is on.

2. Attach Form To Pages: This is a list of all your website pages, you can check off which pages you want to attach this form to. The pages that are already checked off and bold are already showing this form.

3. Embed Your Form On Your Own Website: To do this, copy the code in this box. In the brackets is your form's ID number which you can use to identify this form.

4. Embed Your Form On Another Website Or Blog: To do this, copy the code in this box and then paste it into the HTML code of the website page or Blog you want to show the form on.

5. Update: Once you edit the section of the Form you wanted, each tab will have it's own 'Update' button to save the changes.

Data Collection

Here is where your Form's Data is collected and stored.

1. Data Collection Tab: To view you data, click the 'Data Collection' tab. This section shows you all the visitors who have completed the Form.

2. View All Form Data:  To view all Form entries, click the 'View All Form Entries' link. 

3. Download Or Export Form Data: To download a spreadsheet containing all the Form entries, click the 'Download Spreadsheet' link.

4. View Data:  To View the data for a single entry, click the 'View Data >' link.

5. Form Submission: After you click the 'View Data >' link, the data for the entry will appear to the right of the table.

6. Delete: You can delete entries by putting a check in the box beside the entry, and then click on the 'Delete Selected' Button.

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