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How To Password Protect A Page & Make It Part Of Your Members Section
When a Member logs into your Member's Page, or Section a yellow bar will appear at the top of your Website under your menu bar.
They will also be able to access all of the Password Protected Pages on your Website.
1. Select a Page by checking it off, this Page is going to become Password Protected.
2. From this drop down menu, select 'Password Protect A Page'.
3. Click the 'Go' button.
4. The Visitor is asked to create a Password, and Confirm Password to verify they don't make a typo.

When a Member logs into your Member's Page, or Section a yellow bar will appear at the top of your Website under your menu bar.
They will also be able to access all of the Password Protected Pages on your Website.
1. (Password Protected) will appear under the Pages on your Website that are part of your Member's section.
When a Visitor goes to your Password Protected Pages, they won't be shown the content, but shown a Login form.
How Visitors Register To Become Members
The Members area on Income Activator allows you to create a secured Members Area, or set of Password Protected Pages on your Website.
Visitors have to register and login with an Email and Password before they can access or view these Pages.
There are 2 types of Members restrictions; you can Approve each Visitor before they gain access, or you can allow everyone who registers instant access.
The screenshot below shows you what a Password Protected Page looks like.
1. The Visitor is given this message alerting them that they must Login before they can access the Page.
2. The Visitor has 2 options; Register for a new account on your website, or login with an existing account.
When they click Register, they will go to the next step.

This is the Member Registration page.
1. The Visitor is asked to enter their First Name.
2. The Visitor is asked to enter their Last Name.
3. The Visitor is asked to enter their Email which they will use to log in with.
4. The Visitor is asked to create a Password, and Confirm Password to verify they don't make a typo.
5. When the Visitor clicks the Registration button, you will receive an Email, and their information will show up on the Members Page on your Income Activator Content Manager.

How To Manually Insert, Edit & Activate Members

Now back in Income Activator, click on 'Members' on the top menu bar.
Manually Inserting Members
1. From this form here, you can manually add Members to your Members section by filling out this form with their First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, and Status.
2. Click 'Insert' to add them.
3. To Edit a Member's information or change their Status, click on their ID number at the right.
Activating Members So They Can Login To Your Members Section
After you click on the Member's ID number, their information will come up like shown below.
For them to be allowed into your Members section, you have to set their Status to Active.
1. Select 'Active' from the Status drop down menu.
2. Click 'Update'. You will see the Status in the Member Edit & Data Section to the right change from 'New' to 'Active'.
How Members Log Into Your Members Section
Now that we have just Approved a Member by setting his Status to 'Active' the Member is now ready to log in.
1. The Member inserts their Email and Password that they Registered with.
2. The Member clicks the 'Submit' button to log in.
When a Member logs into your Member's Page, or Section a yellow bar will appear at the top of your Website under your menu bar.
They will also be able to access all of the Password Protected Pages on your Website.
1. The Member's Name shows up here.
2. The Member's Status is shown here.
3. The Member can log out by clicking 'Logout'
4. The Member can see all the content on this Page now, and when they click 'Members Area' on the top Menu bar, they will see this same page.
When they log out, the Member will see the Log In page again, and have to log in again.