Google Recommends: Use the alt attribute to provide descriptive text. In addition, we recommend using a human-readable caption and descriptive text around the image.
The words used within an image’s alt attribute should be its text equivalent and convery the same information or serve the same purpose that the image would.
Some examples:
- If a search button is a magnifying glass or binoculars its alt text should be ’search’ or ’find’ not ’magnifying glass’ or ’binoculars’.
- If an image is meant to convery the literal contents of the image, then a description is appropriate.
- If it is meant to convery data, then that data is what is appropriate.
- If it is meant to convery the use of a function, then the function itself is what should be used.
Add SEO Alternative Text To An New Image
Here is how to SEO an Image:
Click on the 'Insert Image' icon when you are creating a new Page or editing an exiting Page.

Click on the 'Upload' button.

Locate the image on your Computer, then Select it.
You can Right Click > Rename your image, use up to 4 keywords separated by dashes or spaces to describe your image.
Click the 'Open' button.

Click the 'Ok' button on the window that pops up.

Fill in the 'Alternative text:' field with an image description that follows the guidelines at the top of this page.
Click the 'Insert' button, your SEO Image will now be on your page.

Add SEO Alternative Text To An Existing Image

Click on your Page in the Page Directory on the right to Edit it.
Find your Image, then Right Click on it.
Click 'Properties'.

Fill in the 'Alternative text:' field with an image description that follows the guidelines at the top of this page.
Click the 'Ok' button, your Image is now optimized.