You get a Ready-to-Go Office Supply Store, just like Staples, same products, better pricing, with overnight delivery.
Commission is up to 15%. This Office Supply Store Is For US Deliveries Only.
View The Office Supply Store Example Of An Active Office Supply Store:
NOTE: If you don't wish you display this store on your website simply open this page up in your editor and check the 'Hide This Page' box.
You Have A Business In A Box
Better Prices Than Big Box Stores
Next Day Delivery
Free USA Shipping
For All Orders Over $75 (48 lb max)
Over 50,000 Products, Office Supplies, Inks, Electronics, Furniture & More!

Your Business In A Box website comes with online store with over 50,0000 products, and office supplies.
Buying Process
You don’t take the orders, or ship the products. It’s all done for you
There's next day delivery, and free shipping for all orders over $75, with a maximum weight of 48 lbs (US Only). Deliveries can experience delays if the product is not in stock, orders are a the end of the day, or if the delivery is in a remote location.
There's no shipping outside of the United States, or Alaska. View Shipping locations.
Get Business By Doing A Quote Comparison
An average business of 50 employees spends about $5,000 a month in office supplies.
These are the businesses you should target. You're getting paid up to 15% commission, so between 10% to 15% commission, you would earn $500.00 to $750.00 every month.
If you had 10 of these businesses could earn $5,000.00 to $7,500.00 monthly.
The easiest way of getting the attention of these businesses is to promote Shop Locally and ask if you can do a Price Comparison for their office supplies to save them money.
These are the steps to take;
1. When you contact the businesses, tell them that you are Supporting Local Businesses.
2. Tell them that you are also trying to Save Local Businesses Money and ask them if you could provide them with a Price Comparison for their monthly office supply purchases.
3. All they have to do is email you one of their invoices.
4. Then you email their invoice to Dan Walsh at & and he'll email you back his prices.
(You can also follow up by calling Dan Walsh at at 866-593-3506 (office) or 949-300-2484 (cell).
5. Businesses can also submit their invoice to you on your office supply page where it says Compare Quotes or request help finding a specific product.
Steps For Getting An Online Quote Comparison
1. Invoice Needed - The company needs to upload an invoice of the products and prices.
2. Invoice Delivery -The invoice is automatically emailed to you first.
3. Invoice Review - You make sure the price comparison request is legitimate.
4a. Small Price Comparisons - Small price comparisons of a few items can easily be done online by either the company or you.
4b. Product Finder: If it's a product they're looking for, and you can't find it in your office supply store, email Dan and ask where it is, or if it can be added to the store.
5. Large Price Comparisons - Only email Dan to do a quote comparison on
Large Orders where he has the flexibility to provide better pricing to get you the business.
Dan will email you the Price Comparison for you to present to that business, or where they can find a specific product they're looking for.
Your Commission
You receive up to 15% commission on every sale. A check will be mailed to you each month.
You can check your orders by logging into the back door of your website,
and clicking on the top menu entitled 'Store' then clicking on 'Store Orders'.
You can check your commission's owed & paid by clicking on 'My Commissions'.
Now you can make money by buying your own office supplies!
ONLY Companies with Tax Numbers & US citizens can sell these store items.
If you do not qualify, you can simply use your Income Activator store to sell your own products,
or affiliate products from companies like and Read more.
You must fill out the Tax Form below before we can send you your commission checks.
W-9 Tax Form
You now have your own Big Box Company.
This is a real business and real business reporting needs to be done.
Only companies and US citizens can sell these office supply products. NOTE: Shipping ONLY services US deliveries.
Your Office Supply Store Is Live
However, we need you to complete, sign, and send in the W-9 form below,
before we can send out your commission checks.
Please FAX the W-9 Form to: 949-791-2533 or email it to Dan Walsh at
To contact Dan Walsh for more information call: Office 866-593-3506 or Cell 949-300-2484.
If you have a company you need to provide us with your Employer Identification Number.
If you don't have a company, simply enter in your Social Security Number.
We will also send you your tax information accordingly.
This store is operated for you by Income Activator & Inks2Go.