Let's Get Started

 The video below will first show you the Website Pages your Website comes with, then show you how to Edit the content on one of your Pages.

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1.  Always work from Internet Explorer.
However you may want to see what your pages look like through various other Internet Browsers such as FireFox by entering Mozilla.com.
2.  If you are not being able to enter your content the way you wish, we suggest you delete the page you're working on and start a new page. If problems persist reboot your computer, and start a new page.
3.  The content size, font and placement does not appear the same in your Content Editor as it does when you view your website page.
After you save your page, always click on the View link to make sure your page looks the way you want it to look.

4.  There are many functions your page can do at one time. When you want to do something 'click' on the Save, Go, Submit or Continue Buttons.
If you just click on enter, your Content Manager will not know what action you're requesting.
5.  Do not copy content from an outside source to your Content Manager without entering it in the grey edit box below. This will remove formatting issues that may corrupt your page.
However, sometimes just copying to over does work. But if it doesn't, you'll need to get someone that knows how to program HTML to make the page look good to your visitors.


Before You Edit or Create A Page, Consider SEO

Your page instructions and help links are located in the Top Yellow Section..

1.  Page Title: To Edit a Page on your Website click the of the Page Title you want to Edit in your Page Directory to your left.
Your page will then appear in your Content Editor.

Consider SEO - Keywords
Optimizing Your Page for the Search Engines (SEO): You will always want to your Menu Title, Page Title, SEO Title, Page Address, Page Description and your Content to contain the Keywords that people are searching for online relating to your topic.
If you don't have the Keywords that are being searched for online, in all of the above, your page will be harder to find by the search enines, like Goggle, and will be displayed less.
To do a quick check to see if your Menu and Page Title and so forth are being searched for online, click on the Keyword Research link entitled Find Keywords Using The Keyword Tool.
Google's Keyword Planner page will come up and you can enter in your Menu, Page Title and so forth, and it will instantly tell you how many times those keywords are being searched for online.  
If it has zero or very low search results (under 5,000) try using another keyword phrase until you get some that's relevant to your page and is being searched for online.
To see how to use the Keyword Tool, click here.

SEO - Target A Theme Per Page
Search Engines look at all keywords in a group to identify a theme. You will want to make sure that your Menu, Page Title and so forth are focused on one and the same topic. This provides consistency to your page and as a result, your page will more likely be displayed by the search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and so forth.  
For example, if you sell yoga gear, you may think that yoga mats, yoga clothing, yoga gear, etc. would be considered one theme. It's not. It's too diversified. 
Instead each page should be on one topic with more tightly themed keyword lists. For example, one page should be about "yoga mats" talking about designer yoga mats, thick yoga mats, yoga mats with designs, etc.
To understand this a little clearer, if you were to search online for Yoga Mats, Google would display a page all about Yoga Mats to you before it displays a page about yoga mats, clothing and gear. So when creating a website page, think of how the search engines will index it to be diplayed for online searches.  

Now that you have chosen some keywords, continue with entering your Menu title and Page title. 
Menu Title:This appears as a tab on the top Menu bar of your Website, and it's madatory to fill in a Menu Title. Your Menu Bar will look better if try to keep it to 1 to 4 Keywords.Example.
Page Title:  This appears above your Page Content, and it's also madatory to enter a Page Title.  Example.

SEO Title: The title underlined in blue is your page’s SEO Title which describes what your page is about. When you enter in your SEO Title use under 60 characters including spaces. The best SEO Title would be 2-3 keywords that describes what your page is about and 2-3 keywords that describe what the benefit someone would be getting from your Product or Service.This section is where you tell the search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing how to display you page for an Online Search.  Example of an Online Search.

Page Address: The Page Address appears in green in the Google Search Result. It shows your domain name (www.DomainName.com) and your page address(/Work-From-Home.htm). Your Income Activator website automatically fills in your Page Address from your Page Title when you create a new page. You have the option of changing your keywords. You may wish to add different keywords, but keeping them in the same tightly themed keyword grouping. Use your most important keywords at the beginning of the Page Address.
For Example: If your Page Title was 'Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes' you could use related keywords like 'Lowest-Auto-Insurance-Rates' in your SEO Page Address.

Hide A Page:  To hide your page from your visitors seeing it while you work on it, click on the box. You can also want to hide a page and have is visible to your Visitors by linking to it from another page. Here's how to link to pages, click here.
Your page will never be visible to the search engines if is is hidden. However if you link to it, it will be visible to the search engines, and can be found by online searches. If you make a page visible and then hide it, if within that time frame of it being visible, the search engines viewed and indexed that page, your last up date will be visible to online searches.  

1.  Content Editor: This is where you type in your page content. They way your page looks like in your Content Editor may not be the way it appears on your website. You may need to tweak it several times to get the spacing you want (See example below). Edit the page to your liking.

4.  Save: Click the 'Save and your page will remain in the Content Editor for your to continue working on it. There is no automatic save function so you should save your page regularly. When you click the 'Save & Exit' button you page will be saved at the bottom of your Page Directory to the right.
2. To save work work click on the 'Save' button and your page will remain in the Content Editor for your to continue working on it.
There is no automatic save function so you should save your page regularly while worklng on it.
When you click the 'Save & Exit' button you page will be saved at the bottom of your Page Directory to the right.
 3.  You have the option of enlarging your Content Editor by pulling down the bottom righ hand side of the box with your mouse.

Click the 'View' link to view your page, as your Visitors see it.

Here's how your new page will look with content in it.
If you do not adjust your font and size, your font will be in Verdana and your size will be in 12 point type.

Your Page in Your Content Editor Can Look Different Then It Does On Your Website

When you're creating your page, it will not always look exactly like it does in your Content Editor.
You will have to tweak it to give it to make it look the way you want it by making a change, saving it, and then clicking on the View link to see how it will actually look on your website page.
Below shows you an example of how different a page can look like in the Content Editor compared to the way it appears on a Website Page.
The arrows show you how differently the text lines up in the Content Management box to the Website Page.



The Above Video Covers:

  • 0:00 : Showing Your Starter Website & Pages
  • 0:53 : Editing A Page
  • 2:58 : Adding Sub Pages
  • 4:10 : Dropdown Menu Tools (Delete, Hide, Password Protect, Copy, Set Page Order)
  • 7:25 : Searching For A Page
Menu Title:This appears as a tab on the top Menu bar of your Website, and it's madatory to fill in a Menu Title. Your Menu Bar will look better if try to keep it to 1 to 4 Keywords.Example.
Page Title:  This appears above your Page Content, and it's also madatory to enter a Page Title.  Example.


How to Edit a Page 

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