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When your customer buys an eBook from your online store, they are automatically emailed a link to a page to go to download their eBook.

Your customer will always have access to this page, and can login any time with their email and password to download eBooks or virtual products they've purchased from your online store.

Under the videos are the screenshots on how to add an eBook to your online store.

Template: For a Microsoft Word eBook template, click here.

How Your Store Works This video will show you how to test your store, how your store works and the process a customer goes through when buying an eBook from your online store.

How To Add Products This video will show you how to add a product category for your eBooks and how to add an eBook to sell in your online store.

Adding A Product Category

The first we're going to do is create a product category for our eBooks. We will then add products to this product category.

The product category title will be displayed on our store page, and the products will appear underneath.

On the top menu bar, click 'Your Store', then click 'Product Categories'.
1. Keyword Research This link will take you to Google's Keyword Planner so you can do your keyword research before choosing the title of your product category.

2. Category Title Enter a Category Title to be displayed above your products. Examples: Energy Saving eBooks, Pet Nutrition Books, Car Repair Guides.

3. Show Category On Pages Check off the pages on your website that you want this category to show on. The category and products in it will appear under your page content. You can select multiple pages.

4. Insert Click on 'Insert' to add your category. It will appear at the right if you need to edit it.

Adding Your eBook As A Store Product

We're going to upload an image for our product now, in this case it will be the cover to our eBook.

This will go over the main fields you need to add an eBook, you can learn more about the fields not mentioned by clicking here.

1. Product Name  Enter a product name here, this should describe your product in 3-7 words, make sure you use keywords from your keyword research in this product name.

2. Shipping Options  Select 'Shipping Not Required' because you don't need to ship an eBook, it is emailed directly to your customer for free, automatically.
3. Category Check off the category you want to place your eBook in. You can select multiple categories.

4. Downloadable File  Click on the 'Browse' or 'Choose File' button and select the eBook file from your computer. Make sure you gave it a clean filename such as Energy-Saving-101.pdf and not ENRG-SAVING-DRAFT-4-SHINE3409.pdf.

5. Insert Click on the 'Insert' button to list your product for sale. It will appear on every page showing the category you put it under.
The rest of this help page will show you how a customer downloads an eBook they buy from your store. 

How Your Customers Download Their eBook

When your customer buys an eBook from your store they will automatically receive 2 emails. The first is a general receipt with the customer's shipping information and totals. The second email is shown below, it tells the customer where and how to login to your website to download their eBook. Both of these emails are automatically included with your website and you cannot make changes to them. The download area on your website is also automatically built into your website and will always there if your customers wants to re-download their eBook again in the future.

Note: This email is only sent to your customers if the order status is set to 'Paid'. If your customer paid with a cheque or credit card over the phone, you will need to set the status manually from your Store Orders page.

1. Customer Login Email  This is the email your customer uses to login to download their eBook now or in the future.

Order #  This is the order number your customer uses to login.

3. Login Page  This is the link to the page your customer clicks on to login.

Customer Login Page On Your Website

This is the page your customer sees when they click the link shown in the email above (3).

1. Email Address  Your customer will enter their email address in this box.

2. Order Number  Your customer will enter their order number in this box. This was also emailed to them when they bought the eBook. If a customer calls and asks for their order number, you can find it on your Store Orders page.

3. Log In Your customer clicks this button to go to the page where they see the eBooks they have bought and are able to download the,

How eBooks Are Downloaded By Your Customers

This page shows your customer all the eBooks they have bought from your online store.

1. Product Name  This is the product or eBook name you entered when adding your product.

2. Download Link  Your visitors click this link to download their eBook.

3. Product Details  This is the product details you entered when adding your product.

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