To embed a website go to the top menu and click on 'Pages'. Then from the drop-down menu click on 'Embed A Website'. 1. Embedded Website: Paste or enter the website address in to the website address box. You must include the http:// before the domain. 2. Generate Code: Click the 'Generate Code' button. 3. Embed Code: Select all of the code inside in this box and copy it.
1. Embed: Click on the 'Embed A YouTube Video' icon. 2. Paste Code: In the window that pops up, paste the code you copied. 3. Insert: Click on the 'Insert' button. 4. Embedded Website: The embedded website will show up in the content editor. 5. Page Title: Enter a page title for this page. 6. Content: You can put any content above or below the embedded website. Now save your page and you're done!
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