Don't Underestimate Your Value

Your value of knowledgeEveryone has a life story, something to share, or information that will help another person out.
Your knowledge has a market value that you can share with the world through the Internet.

Even if you have a website or blog, understanding that your knowledge has a market value and how to monetize it will only add to what your doing right now.
 Pick a topic that you love
Something you talk about at parties, that you do when you have some free time, that you find yourself planning to do or that you would do even if you won the Lotto.

If you cannot invent, improve

You can also pick a topic that you have experience in. How to be a better parent, how to survive a crisis or illness. How to work smarter or how to bring out the artist in you. Basically anything that can provide some wisdom to. You can pick a topic on anything you know about, or are interested in learning about, which can help or inspire people, searching for information like this online.

You can even exploit your failures
Don’t waste them! You learned from your mistakes, now take what you've learned and help others avoid making the same mistake you did. May be a website about 'How to save a marriage and avoid a costly divorce' would be a good one for Victor. 

What people Are Seaching For Online

Knowing what people are searching for online is where you begin.

Google, like Yahoo and Bing is a search engine. When you go to Google and enter in a search term, known as a keyword phrase, it will bring up search results.
Google Search Results



Search Results

1. Search results display descriptions of websites that match the keyword phase entered in by a person, which link to the website. 

2. Search results also display website Ads, that
are displayed based on that keyword phrase. Theses advertisers pay Google when
a person clicks on their ad and is directed to their website.



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