Finding Advertisers

Finding advertisers is easy.

Look in the newspaper. Newspaper advertising is expensive. So is radio and TV advertising.

These advertisers all have huge advertising budgets and many have a budget set aside for new forms of advertising. Plus many are very interested in trying out the power of Internet Referrals.

Another good place to look for advertisers is in old advertiser resources that are going out of date because of the Internet.

The Yellow Pages, and Local Directories are good examples of this. Many advertisers spend $1,000 or more a month on Yellow Pages Advertising and are not renewing their contracts so they can move their advertising dollars to the Internet.

This climate is perfect for these advertisers to be called upon and offered a lead generating referral program.

If a company doesn't have a website or even an email address, they can still receive referrals and view them through your website.

Remember, they don't pay until someone goes through the process of 'clicking on a submit button' to get their contact information.

You can point out to your advertiser that you are in a very powerful position as you are addressing your visitor's inquiry, and referring them to their company for a solution. This 'recommendation' is the most powerful, and valuable referral an advertiser can get.

Further, thousands of companies are paying good money for completely 'Unqualified Leads' using Google AdSense. This is where an advertiser selects Keywords, and when an online search is made for those Keywords, their ad will be displayed. If the person doing that online search clicks on that ad, the advertiser pays Google an agreed amount.

Google is a perfect example of the marvel of how much money companies will pay for completely unqualified leads. All kinds of businesses are bidding on keywords consumer's enter into Google's Directory, in hopes Google will 'Link' these consumers to their website. To get priority placement with Google, companies will out bid each other on the CPC (Cost Per Click) to have visitors sent to their website.

These clicks can vary from a couple of cents to hundreds of dollars. You will want to target industries that are paying good money for these referrals.

Companies are paying Google anywhere from a couple of cents, to hundreds of dollars 'Per Click'.

Eventually, many businesses realize the poor quality of the Google Ads, and would welcome better qualified leads. Plus, referrals allow you to set even a higher price than Google's pay per click rate as your visitor would be a much more qualified lead. Here's a way of persuading advertisers away from the Google Pay Per Click model to your referral program. To view, click here.

To find out which companies are paying Google per click and how much, sign up to Google Adwords, by clicking here.

Here's how to find advertisers, and see what they're paying Google for leads, click here.

 How To Approach An Advertiser Using Google's AdSense PPC Program

When approaching an advertiser, using Google's Pay Per Click Program, here are some things you can do and say that may convince them to try your Income Activator's Referral program.
1. First, try to find out what they're paying by using Google's Keyword Tool. To do this go to Google's Keyword Planner and enter in keyword phrases to try to get their ad to come up. This will be a hit and miss process but eventually you will find them coming up for various keywords. When you find out what they're paying Google, offer them a better rate.
To see how to do this, click here.
2. Tell the advertiser that you offer better qualified leads as your visitors have come to your website specifically to find out more about that topic. Tell them that you personally recommend to your visitors which websites to go to. A referral through the 'power of recommendation' is a very powerful sales lead for any advertiser to receive. This becomes a much more relevant lead then a random Pay Per Click lead from Google.
3. Tell the advertiser you offer more ad flexibility then Google. Google offers limited text lines, where you're unlimited with what you can say and how much space you can give them. Plus you can add pictures and videos to capture the visitor's attention.
4.  Tell the advertiser that only about 20% of searchers click on the Google Ads. They will get more leads if they add your PPC program to the mix. And remind the advertiser that they don't pay unless you send them a lead.
5. Tell the advertiser that you can also send them an email every time a visitor is sent to them from your website. This is an additional feature that's built into your Income Activator PPC program.
Lee RomanovTracking Clicks With Google AdWords

It's really hard for an advertiser to track the money they make through Google Ads. This gives you an advantage, as you can work closely with the advertiser with the leads you send them, where Google can't.

I used Google's AdWords PPC program for years through my online business, I had hired one of the top SEO people in North America and started with a small budget of $2,100 a month. At that time, clicks were worth pennies. I broke even most months and on occasion made a few extra dollars from my PPC program, but not much. 

My other advertising programs grew, but I could never seem to grow my PPC advertising budget as the return, if any, was so little.
It's surprising how much money advertisers are giving to Google's PPC program with little or no understanding if they're making or loosing money from it. From my experience they're loosing big time and your Income Activator Referral program could turn that around for them.
Here's a conversation I had with an advertiser using Google Ads to sell fire extinguishers. You can see how little he understood about his advertising campaign with Google's PPC program.

Advertising Using Google Ads
The advertiser may not even know what kind of visitors they're getting from Google's Pay Per Click Program.
Here are the questions I asked to expose how little advertisers really understand about their Google PPC program.
The Advertiser's answers to are in red.
1) What are all the 'Keywords' or 'Keyword Phrases' you have in your PPC campaign?
The advertiser didn't know.

For this advertiser they had 
over 100 keyword phrases they were paying for when a visitor 'clicked' on their ad. It's impossible to keep track of what's working when there's so many keyword phrases. Only a few keyword phrases were probably turning into real sales. The others were just wasting money.
2) What is the bid you've set for each of these Keywords?

There was no measurement of success.

3) Are you paying extra for Top Positioning?
No reason why or measurement of success.
4) What is the price difference you're paying compared to the advertiser behind you?
No measurement of success for the extra price. A dollar less could have yield the same results.

5) What dollar value have you set 'Not to Exceed' per time frame. Is this set on a 'Per Day, Per Week, or Per Month basis, and if so why?
It is set 'Not to Exceed' $25.00 per day.

Not sure why, no measurement of success for growth.

6) Have you set restrictions on each Keyword or Keyword Phrase?
No searches outside of Canada
However, they only sold in the Toronto market. 
7) Are you using 'Broad Match' keywords for your Google ads? Broad Match means that Google displays your ads on what ever term they feel is relevant to your keywords. 
They were paying for Broad Match Keyword phrases.

This means they could be paying for broad match keyword phrases like '
School Term Paper on Fire Extinguishers.' When kids clicked on their ads for school projects they would be paying Google for this. 
Another Broad Match search term they could be paying Google for was 'Take a Fire Extinguisher on your date.' You can't afford to pay for search terms that don't make 'cents.' 
8) Are any Keywords set for an 'Exact Match'? This means their ad would appear for searches that match that exact keyword or keyword phrase. 
Yes 'Fire.'

Exact matches can be too broad a term to use in many cases. Many advertisers that use 'exact match' keywords, like in this example; Fire, would have their ads show up for people looking the best ways to start a camp 'Fire.'
9) Are your Keywords set for up for Negative Matches? Negative keywords are filtering words that stop your ads from showing. A good example of this is 'FREE.' Most businesses do not want to show up for people searching for free stuff.
This was not set up.

They were receiving clicks form people searching for 'Free Fire Extinguishers.'

Are you paying for PPC Ads when you already appear within the 1st three organic searches?
They were wasting their money, paying for a position where they already came up o
rganically. They should have directed their PPC budget to positions where they didn't come up in organically to capture that audience.

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