Referral Company Login

This is what the Referral Company login page on your website looks like.

1. Referral Login:  Referral Companies can login here to review referrals and make changes to their contact information.

To add your Referral Login link to the bottom of your website, login, click on the top bar entitled Account, then form the drop down menu click on Account Setting form the drop down menu, then scroll down to the section entitled Additional Website Features, click in the box and save.   

2. Referral Login Link:  The link to this login page appears at the bottom of your website when you activate it, as shown below.

3. Referral Registration Pages:  These links automatically appear and go to every Page you have a Registration Form active on.


Referral Company Registration Page Example

This is what a Registration Form attached to a page looks like.


How To Add A Referral Company Registration Form to Your Website

You can create a Registration page, or choose to another page on your website to have your Registration Form show up on.

Referral Companies that register using this form will appear in your Referral Companies page in the table to the right and you will be emailed a notification of the registration.

1. Click on the page you want to add the registration form to. The form will be added under the Page Content of this Page. The content of this page should entice companies to register, you should also put the Pay-Per-Click Rate on this page.
2. Click the 'Advanced Settings' tab.

3. Select which type of Registration Form you want to show on your page. You will see 3 options; Pay Per Click, Lead Generation, and Directory.
4. Click the 'Save' button.

The form will appear on the page under your page content.

Referral Company Login

This is what the Referral Company login page on your website looks like.

1. Referral Login:  Referral Companies can login here to review referrals and make changes to their contact information.

2. Referral Login Link:  The link to this login page appears at the bottom of your website when you activate it, as shown below.

3. Referral Registration Pages:  These links automatically appear and go to every Page you have a Registration Form active on.


Referral Company Login

This is what the Referral Company login page on your website looks like.

1. Referrals:  Referral Companies can view the referrals you've sent them here.

2. Contact Information:  The link to this login page appears at the bottom of your website when you activate it, as shown below.

3. Referral Settings:  These links automatically appear and go to every Page you have a Registration Form active on.

4. Logout:  Companies can log out by clicking here.


Viewing Referrals & Payments

1. Referrals:  This is where your referral company can review the referrals they have received as well as the payments sent to you and the balance owed.

2. View Date Range:  This is where your referral company can view their referrals in a date range.

3. Payments Received:  This shows your referral company the payments they've sent you in the table. This table shows the date and time, the amount, and the reference number for the form of payment.

Total Payments: This shows your referral company how much they have paid you to date.

Balance Owing:  This shows your referral company how much they owe you.

4. Pay Per Click Referrals Received:  This table shows your referral company the date of the click, the IP Address that the click came from, and which page the visitor clicked from to go to the advertiser's website. This also lists the sub total, taxes, and total for the Pay Per Click Program.

The date and IP Address verifies the click so your advertiser knows the clicks came different visitors.

5. Lead Generation Referrals Received: This table shows your referral company the Lead Generation referrals sent to them. The tables shows the date, the answer to the first question asked, the location (if applicable) and a link to view the visitor's referral data entered.

This also lists the sub total, taxes, and total for the Lead Generation Program.


Referral Company Login

1. Contact Information:  This is where your referral company can update their contact information.

In the 'Referral Contact' section they can change the email address that receives referral leads.


Referral Program Settings

1. Referral Settings:  This is where your referral company can pause their referral programs and review program settings.

2. Participation:  The program is Active until the company Pauses it. When your referral company pauses their account they will no longer receive referrals and the leads will either go to the next referral company in the rotation or go to your No Referral Found Page.

When a company pauses their account, you will be sent an email.

3. Link Address:  This is the page the visitors are sent to from the Pay Per Click program.

4. Referral Period:  This is the time frame that the company is receiving leads.


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