Making money online ‘By Telling People Where To Go’ is a dream come true for many of us. Through your own experience you can be paid for giving advice. You may even become an authority that people go to get the best information or advice.
You can have people flocking to your website to see which companies offer the best services or who to buy from. You do it every day.
You may recommend the best painter to use, which lawyer or accountant to go to, or where to get the best deals on whatever. But you never get paid for it. Now you can.
You don’t even have to talk to anyone to start your own lucrative referral business, which you can operate from anywhere in the world and at any time.
You can make money through pay per click links, referral forms, and affiliate links.
You can package your knowledge on any topic, in any industry, and be paid by companies for referring people to them.
It works like this. Imagine an accounting firm paid you $40 every time you recommended them. The Internet allows you to get paid just like that for your recommendations, Big Time!
Sending leads to companies that pay you is a truly wonderful way of making money online. People and companies around the world are using this business model to make money right now.
It’s not a secret formula, and it’s easy to implement. This book tells you how it works and you get the website to make it happen.