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How to Create Your Sponsor's Proposal
* Write Your Sponsor Proposal In The 3rd Person
Avoid words like “I”, “me” and “we”. Your will be referred to as the “property”. This is different from a company brochure.
Here's a Sponsorship Package White Pages Template you can refer to when creating your proposal, click to view.
* It's About Your Sponsor Not You
A good sponsor proposal is 25% about your property and 75% about the sponsor benefits.
* Words & Phrases To Use
Powerful and Effective Phrases, click here. Glossary of Terms, click here.
Section 1 - How to Use the Sponsor Proposal Template
Here's Your Sponsor Template: /custom/292/images/Sponsor Template ab.ppt
Simply replace the description text with your own. You can easily change pictures, placements and backgrounds.
The video below walks you through how to create your sponsorship package.
To use a template, click on it, download the template, then type your content into it.
Remember to change the headers and footers.
After you've completed your Sponsor Proposal, save it as a PDF file and send off to your printer too.
Additional Template Styles
Below are other templates you can use too, however they do not have the Sponsorship Template Outlined in them.
If you prefer one of these templates, instead of the above template, here's a guide of the information you need to put in it.
Additional Powerpoint Templates